
23-X by Roger

x-letterWhen it comes to the letter X, we need to eXplain, ABCW is not an eXacting bunch. We eXpect that finding eXact X words is eXtremely difficult, because so few eXist, though if you know your Latin, Chinese or Mexican references, you may fare a bit better.

In any case, we have long been willing to make an eXception this week – anything that starts with the X sound, or has the X look, would be an eXcellent addition. We won’t eXclude you, because we don’t want to tamp down your eXuberance, or make you so eXhausted that you run for the eXits, uttering an eXpletive! We want you to eXcel, and stay on this eXcursion! Please eXamine previous X weeks to see how this works.

For those who celebrate it, Merry Xmas, which, as I have noted quite a while ago, eXperts have said eXemplifies the word Christmas!